Learn how many calories do you burn every day

Learn how many calories do you burn every day

Have you ever calculated how many calories you burn every day?

If not, then you should do it, it will help you stay fit and healthy. Especially, when you are planning to lose weight. You need to consume fewer calories than you burn on a daily basis. If you know your daily calorie requirement, then only you will be able to plan how much calorie deficit you need to be able to lose weight.

How many calories do I burn every day?

To evaluate the total number of calories you burn, you should know your total energy expenditure (TEE) or total daily energy expenditure (TDEE). Our TDEE is essentially comprised of three components: 

Resting metabolic rate (RMR):

Resting metabolic rate is the total number of calories burned when your body is completely at rest. RMR constitutes 60-75% of daily energy expenditure associated with the major body functions like breathing, blood circulation, etc. 

The thermic effect of food (TEF):

The energy cost of chewing, swallowing, digesting, absorbing and storing food. 

The thermic effect of activity (TEA):

The energy of activity (e.g., exercise, physical activity) and non-exercise activity thermogenesis (NEAT), this is the amount of energy that your body uses to do daily activities like washing dishes, typing on your computer, etc. The number of calories you burn from neat varies greatly based on your activity level.

How to estimate total energy expenditure?

Metabolic test:

You will be able to find the metabolic test equipment in most of the fitness and health clubs now. Though some critics feel the tests are not very accurate but you will get an approximate idea. 

Activity Tracker: 

There are many branded activity tracker devices like noise colorfit, Fitbit, etc. Which you can easily buy online and at sports or gadgets store. These devices track your daily activity to calculate the estimated amount of calories burned every day. Though research shows that these devices are inaccurate. But it’s good for estimated calorie consumption. 


This calorie calculator is based on several equations, and the results of the calculator are based on an estimated average, one of them was of the earliest equations called the Harris-Benedict equation, it was used to calculate the basal metabolic rate (BMR). 

Then a revised equation with more accuracy Mifflin –St Jeor was introduced later.


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