Top 6 Fitness Myths
There are many myths that people have, six of them are:-
1. Workout more to get more results: –
This is a very big myth among people since long ago and even now. They workout or exercise more and more by increasing their duration of exercise for hours to lose or gain weight. But on the contrary, the truth is that increasing duration will leave an individual with injuries, joint pain, muscle cell damage, inactive (dizziness, lack of energy), and many more. The fact is that one should increase his/her exercise intensity, which means increasing the quality of his/her exercise and take rest so that he/she can recover that exercise which he/she did, rather than increase the quantity of exercise which is harmful.
2. Low or no carbohydrates to lose weight:-
One of the very big myths among the people is they are very afraid of carbohydrates, thinking that they will gain access to weight or fat due to carbohydrates, as a result, they follow a high protein diet which is very stressful to kidneys and hence effects liver and other organs. The fact is that a high protein diet without any knowledge and need makes one deficient of calcium and increased body toxins. When the diet is insufficient in protein-sparing carbohydrates, amino acids are delaminated by liver enzymes and used to produce glucose energy with a toxic by-product of ammonia. This by-product is further broken down by the liver into urea toxins and excreted by the urine. A low carbohydrate diet also makes our muscles low in glycogen which is stored energy, and also a very essential source of energy for the function of the brain. Thinking that a high protein diet will eliminate stored body fat is very wrong as our body is capable to convert carbohydrates from protein when it is needed, the only difference is it takes a longer time. We should also know those very complex carbohydrates or we can say fiber is also very essential and cannot be ignored as it helps clean our bowel system and also absorb intestinal water which also contains harmful bacteria. So a balanced diet consist of 50%-65% of complex and very complex carbohydrates and 20-30% of protein and 15-25% of fat is very essential and will not store excess body fat if we eat clean food and exercise properly.
3. Women should not train with weights as they will become huge:-
I have listened and dealt with many lady clients who are very afraid of weight training, thinking that they will become big like a man and will gain weight instead of losing. But the truth is this that women do not produce much of testosterone which is the male hormone, which is responsible for protein synthesis and builds muscle. So, there is no chance for a woman to build big muscles like a man. And also weight training will strengthen their muscle which will give backup to the bones and act as a shocker, tolerating all stress against the bone. On the contrary weight training will increase the BMR of our body, which is the basal metabolic rate of our body (rate of burning calories while at rest). This means more muscle will increase our BMR and hence increase our metabolism and hence increase more calories burning and results in burning more excess body fat.
4. Increase weight will increase muscle mass: –
This is a very popular myth still roaming around many beginner or mature bodybuilders. But the truth is that only increasing weights will not make them building huge muscle, rather it will leave you with torn muscle tissue and injured joints (tendon). The truth is that increasing the intensity of your workout by strict and perfect movements will put positive stress on your muscles and will force your muscles to grow faster. Increase in weight which one lift will come by default by time and you will come to know when do you need to increase weight as you grow and experience weight lifting. To force yourself with heavyweights will not put positive stress on your muscle but you will overtrain your muscle which will not let them repair on time and hence left you with torn muscles. After all, heavy does not mean that you will have to lift 500kg of bench press or barbell curl. Heavy means, you should not be able to do more than 4-8 reps in one go or one set. One more thing is very important to know that workout plays only a 20% role in muscle mass gain or fat loss etc. The rest of the 80% is your diet plays the role. As someone said, “you are what you eat”.
5. One should stop drinking water to become ripped: –
One of the very very strong myths which even the professionals believe. But the truth is that the problem of water retention is not due to drinking water but due to retaining water inside the body. There are many possible reasons behind water retention, the main of them is imbalanced electrolytes (sodium and potassium), increased or imbalance estrogen level (female hormone), and excess sodium intake. From which the most common is excess sodium in our body which retains water and not letting to flush it out. Rather believe that stop drinking water will help them retain less water, one should know that drinking more water will help them retain less water. Because if we drink less water, our body’s survival system will start retaining water, thinking that it will use in the time of scarcity as water intake is low or very. But if we drink more water, our body will come to know that there is no scarcity of water and will not retain water for future scarcity. Also drinking more water will flush excess sodium through urine. So, the recommended water intake should be at least 50ml-60ml of plain water per kg.
Water plays a very important like:
· Water serves as a lubricant
· Water forms the base for saliva
· Water forms the fluids that surround the joints.
· Water regulates the body temperature, as the cooling and heating are distributed through perspiration.
· Water helps to alleviate constipation by moving food through the intestinal tract and thereby eliminating waste- the best detox-agent.
· Water regulates metabolism
6. Training abs/core will remove belly fat: –
Most of the people who are educated or non-educated, experienced or non-experienced, athletes or non-athletes still believe that training abs/core will burn their belly fat, which is far from the truth because it has been scientifically proven that spot reduction cannot happen. Cause fat has to be released through energy and is burnt from the whole body. Though cosmetic surgery and liposuction are other surgical ways to make it happen that is unnatural ways. Training abs/core can only make them stronger and will help in other health and fitness benefits but this way you won’t directly reduce fat of the particular area.