Personal Trainer

personal trainer

Personal Trainer


Many people think they don’t have any reason to have a certified personal trainer to train them, as one can lose weight easily by doing lots of exercise, by starving or having less food. One can even gain weight by having lots of foods and following a hardcore workout pattern. Furthermore, there are a plethora of forums made on fitness, where one can share his or her experience and tips and seek help of any kind. All you need to do is search for tips on weight loss or weight gain or cardio respiratory fitness etc. on internet, and you would find thousands of pages of free advice. Then why bother to have a personal trainer?

The following few reasons will explain as to why a certified personal trainer is required.

1.  Expertise :

            Certified Personal Trainers are the experts in the field of fitness. They are dedicated and possess practical and expert knowledge on different kinds of situations, body types, various problems related to exercise etc. It would be impossible for a layman to match the expertise of a certified trainer. So, hiring a certified personal trainer becomes mandatory for your fitness. For instance, just by observing an electrician at work will not make you aware of all the risks. A professional electrician has lots of experience and that is why what he does seems simple.  We may acquire some basic knowledge which can help us up to a point but not in everything. Similar principal is applicable in programming one’s fitness regime.

2.  Technical assistance :

            A personal trainer as an expert will continuously keep a watch on your exercise techniques and pattern, and guide you for maximum effectiveness that would result in excellent results. If you play a  particular sport, the right personal trainer can help you improve your skill by showing  you new training techniques specific to your sport. A personal trainer will incorporate skills training into your program so you improve not only your strength and endurance, but  your agility and mental focus as well.

3.  Motivation:

 One of the main reasons people benefited from a personal trainer is that they lack the motivation to stick to a consistent exercise program on their own. A personal trainer provides structure, accountability, and motivation which would help you develop a lifestyle that encourages healthy and fit lifestyle.

4.  Customized  program:

 If you have any chronic health conditions, injuries or training goals (running a marathon, for example) a trainer will work with you and your health care provider to plan a safe, efficient program that considers these needs and enable you to reach your health goals. Every one has a unique own body type, capacity, goals, lifestyle etc. which a certified personal trainer would keep under consideration while developing a personal, safe and  effective program. If you are an absolute beginner, a personal trainer is the ultimate fitness coach. A certified personal trainer will introduce you to a very simple, effective routine and build efficiently so before you know it, you have the confidence and knowledge to decide what is right for you.

5.  Efficiency:

 A certified personal trainer help you focus on results and stops wastage of your time doing inefficient workouts. A personal trainer will plan a program that will help you get maximum results in minimum time.

6.  Break through plateaus:

 If you are already in pretty decent shape, and have been like that for years with no further change, then you need a personal trainer to enable you to break out of your routine and a rut. A trainer will jump start, not only your motivation, but your routine as well.

7.  Safe workout:

 A personal trainer watches your form, monitors your vitals and can provide objective feedback about your limits and strengths. Many people tend to ignore some of the subtle signals our body indicates. We either push through pain or give up too soon. Because a personal trainer can watch what you are doing and while you are doing it, he can help push you or slow you down as necessary.

8. Dangerous After Effects of Incorrect Training Method:

 Just achieving the goal should not be the most important factor, how you achieve that goal is just as important. For instance, if your goal is to earn money and you achieve your goal by stealing it, then it is obvious that you will end up in jail. The same logic applies in fitness as well. If you achieve your physique the wrong way then you will end up in a hospital with some dangerous side effects. Training on your own or with some one without any scientific knowledge is like trying to hit a target in the dark. The chances of you hitting a bulls eye is very low. I has seen many people training very religiously on their own, following myths like ‘sweating more will let you get you cuts fast or will let you loose weight fast’. But this is far from the truth. The chances of loosing weight is obviously more if you sweat a lot, but you will regain it all back as soon as you drink water. Loosing water does not equate loosing weight. Fat loss does not happen with lots of sweating. But one thing you will surely lose is mineral like sodium, which will surely dehydrate you may lead to unconsciousness or feeling dizziness. But to know all these things you need to have knowledge about these and to have knowledge you have to be qualified, and to be qualified, you have to spend time to study, which only an expert will do.

Many take injury very lightly, whereas even a minor one can ruin your life. If you study the life of an athlete, you will notice that their lives are full of injuries and because of which they have to leave their training for a period of time to recover. Due to this they have to start all over again. Furthermore the trauma after the injury never goes away fast. So, training without injury is very important and it should be the first priority. Lifting too much heavy will not only tear your muscles but also your   joints. This is a very big myth that lifting heavier than your capability will make your muscle stronger or bulkier. We have dealt with this in my last article “just adding weights will not let you gain more muscle”. There are many safe ways to increase the intensity, but the most popular ones are actually the most dangerous and wrong. Increasing duration, increase weights, increasing sets and increasing frequency of training, clearly fall in that category. Fitness Scientists, fitness writers, health care providers and sports doctors are not mad when they say no to over train. Their lives are dedicated to this field, so rather than obeying the so-called coaches or trainers etc. we should listen to these experts. And rather than searching for wrong teachings and articles from the internet, where we don’t know who will be accountable if something goes wrong, we should rather read articles on fitness posted on some specialized websites or magazines like here, whose motive is not just to actually provide fitness knowledge and awareness.

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