Benefits of core training

benefits of core training

Benefits of core training

To understand the benefits of core training, you need to understand the core muscles.

Core muscles consists of six muscles:

  1. Rectus abdominis
  2. Internal and external oblique
  3. Transverse abdominis
  4. Erector spinae
  5. Pelvic floor
  6. Multifidus

What does core muscles do?

Core provides stability, agility, balance, and support to your body. Therefore, a weak core is prone to injury and will limit your ability to perform your everyday task.
Core exercises will help in strengthening your core muscles, though it won’t burn belly fat, due to the reason that spot reduction does not happen. Total body training and a calorie-restricted diet will help in losing total body fat.

Benefits of core training:

1. Strengthen the core muscles which make easier to perform physical activities.

2. Prevents injury like lower back pain

3. Provides stability to the body which helps you to work efficiently and effectively. (E.g. A strong core will help you add more weight on your squat lift)

4. May improve respiratory function.

5. Helps to tone your abs

6. Improves your balance

Core training:

Core muscles are structured in such a way that they work and contract together as one unit during upright movement to be able to control the movement of the vertebrae, rib cage, and pelvis. They are not capable of working in isolation. Therefore, isolated exercises like crunches, side crunches, etc… Are against the inherent neurophysiology of the muscles involved. They will not train the overall muscles “core” to be able to work together. So, your core training should also involve Deadlifts, Romanian deadlifts, Turkish get up, lunge rotation, Ab roller.

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